COVID-19 in 2020

Even though it is technically considered covid-19, we are dealing with it in the year of 2020. This virus is affecting everyone everyday in more ways than one, whether you have it or not. It affects how you interact with one another whether it be work, socially, family, or just friendships. Lately, the way I’ve been dealing with situations has been different than the ways I normally do. Being confined in a room where the only visitors I can have are the people who work in the home really takes a toll on my mental health. People aren’t even allowed to see or touch their own family members, we have to be separated by a door or window just to be able to see each other’s faces. Sadly, people are losing loved ones and cant even say goodbye or missing the birth of their niece or grandchild because only one person is allowed in the room.

The people who struggle with this quarantine the most are the people who struggle with anxiety or depression. We’re trapped in these rooms with only ourselves or the same people without much to do. Social media is constantly putting out more information about which celebrity caught the virus, how many people died just that day, or how the hospitals are running out of supplies because people are so scared and stocking up. This virus is something that’s separating some people while bringing others together. Some are willing to fight over toilet paper, be racist towards Asian’s because of their ignorance, or hoarding all the food so people who have a harder time moving struggle getting some bread. But while that’s happening, people are sitting on their balconies singing with their neighbors, donating supplies to hospitals that are running low, also people are risking their lives so others can shop for food and not starve. Its time’s like these can really affect a person’s mentality so make sure to check up on your loved ones because you never know how they’re dealing with this situation.


About the Author: Author Nichole Troupe writes lovely books for children touching on disability awareness. Ms. Troupe (Miss Nikki) is an impressive young woman who is also a survivor as a quadriplegic who develops stories for children to reflect upon while discovering truths about encumbrances experienced in daily life.


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